The Ultimate  Educational Platform 

We are an Educational Company that provides exclusive information related to Drop-Shipping and Social Media Marketing (SMM). We are here to help you learn how to grow a successful social media business and profitably sell products online.

Is our educational platform right for you?

Drop-Shipping and Social Media Marketing allows you to earn an additional source of income online. Our dedicated team of professionals will show you the exact steps to growing a profitable audience on social media so you won't have to spend years figuring out how to do so successfully. Our educational platform contains the information and support you need to start, scale and grow your online business. 

Purchase a membership

Once you have purchased a membership you will gain FULL ACCESS to our premium educational platform and can begin learning and conversing with our team immediately. 

What's Included?

 Full Guides to help you get started 💡

 Drop-Shipping Information 📚

  Proven Social media growth Strategies 🚀

 Access to our private networking channel 🌐

 Dedicated 24/7 staff support from our team of professionals 👨‍🏫

Begin leaning 

Whether you want to boost your career within the company you are working in or grow your own business by applying the latest strategies on social media, our educational infrastructure provides the way.
Join the BEST ECOM community

Stay current and let us help you 'Elevate' your way to success 

Our educational platform provides the most relevant and up to date information to help our members dominate various social media platforms and the Drop-Shipping sector. You can Join our informative platform for just £45.00 per month!
Write your awesome label here.


Experianced staff that have grown numerous  social media networks


Views ACCUMLATED on social media


Increased Growth Rates 

Get Closer To Your Goals

Elevate Kingdom has been specifically designed to cater for both beginner and intermediate skill sets. Allowing our members to gain the most useful knowledge and understanding of the information they need in order to formulate an audience on social media and generate an income online. Our community allows you to converse directly with our members of staff and community  so you will never be far from the support you need to successful.
Get to know us

Meet Our Founder 

Our dedicated team of professionals have multiple years of first hand experience within the Social media Marketing and E-commerce sector. Our core focus as an educational company is to provide the most informative and insightful information to our members and as our community expands so will our team!

Social Media Marketing has been my expertise for the last 2 years and acquiring these skills has allowed me to learn how to grow and monetise all kinds of social media networks. 



Frequently asked questions

Can beginners be Successful?

Yes! Our educational platform has been systemised to provide all of the information that you need to grow on social media successfully in an understanding format. Not only do we provide the exact proven strategies for you to follow, but our experienced staff members are always here to help with any questions you may have while getting started. 

How do I get access to the Platform?

Click the 'Get Started' button displayed above, enter your payment information and download the discord application. You will receive an invite link via email to access our platform.

Can I cancel at any time?

Yes, If for any reason you are unsatisfied with our services, you may cancel your membership at any time without any obligations or questions asked. 
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